
Showing posts from March 31, 2016

Book Review: The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride

Spur There were a few things that made me read this:  I saw it lying on my dev managers desk We have a coach from the company that the author co-founded in our place at the moment I was cynical about the software craftsman idea and thought it was about self-serving, elitist and pumped up self publicists Inspirational   I'm not a soppy or effusive person, but I have to say this book really resonated with me and, like a really good rally call,  made me feel positive about my current position and how to sustain and develop my career further and just how I might achieve this. The thing is , I knew most of this already but just hadn't bundled the virtues, thoughts and values that are described, under a particular banner.  The Software Craftsman Manifesto It actually exists!  A set of values to which a software craftsman can hang their hat.  Now, like the author says, there are people who don't like to call themselves c...