
Showing posts from November 18, 2014

Messaging and transient issues.

Messaging and transient issues. A small post but something worth considering.  Recently when discussing a situation where a MongoDB replica set was in the process of failing over, concern was raised about writing data - whilst a new primary was being elected.  This is going to be a transient issue and issues similar to it - such as temporary server outages and routing  are too .   They are going to take a little time to resolve but should resolve fairly quickly. In the meantime, there a re a few solutions available whilst this transient issue sorts itself out:   Do nothing.  In this case give up and find another job  you lazy hacker. Let the process fall over, report  the failure to users and let them try again via a button click. A users experience might be sullied - in the opinion of some -  but it still could be a reasonable way to recover (this depends on what stakeholders/business think really).  This might not be ...


Async/Await As I am sure you are aware, this is not a new feature in .NET - having been around for over a year as part of .NET 4.5. There have been plenty of posts about it, and so I'm not going to go into a great deal of depth, as I am not an expert and there are people who have gone into it in more depth than I could.  I just want to get a couple of  the key concepts up and provide a laymans tilt on it.  I've been using the language feature as part of a site I am developing as a platform to testbed a few technologies including: Knockout.Js,  The continuous integration and continuous deployment capabilities of  Visual Studio Online (formerly Team Foundation Service) WebAPI and integrating with 3rd party  web services Some of the newer C# language features  Bootstrap templates  Stanford Core NLP for .NET    The site is work in progress and is available @ The main purpose of the site ...