
Showing posts from May 23, 2014

SSDT March 2014 Static Code Analysis Extensibility

Static Code Paralysis. Coding standards (and more latterly styles) in any organisation of any size are liable to incite religious wars and makes zealots out of even the most considered or apathetic of us.   Inconsistency and subjectivity,  lack of enforcement and heavy handedness all contribute to the contempt often leveled at them.   Sod it. I say sod all that, if you or your company aren't using static analysis tools  then you are missing out on improved code quality and productivity (borne out from a consistent approach) and reducing the most banal and mind numbing conversations and sometimes pissing contests associated with discussing the minutiae of standards.   As an aside, having a few years under my belt  in the industry  I've found that people who "really" moan most about this are usually rabble-rousing morale sappers who like to moan about everything, so it stops them doing this and maybe might lead to them getting on w...