
Showing posts from March, 2016

Book Review: The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride

Spur There were a few things that made me read this:  I saw it lying on my dev managers desk We have a coach from the company that the author co-founded in our place at the moment I was cynical about the software craftsman idea and thought it was about self-serving, elitist and pumped up self publicists Inspirational   I'm not a soppy or effusive person, but I have to say this book really resonated with me and, like a really good rally call,  made me feel positive about my current position and how to sustain and develop my career further and just how I might achieve this. The thing is , I knew most of this already but just hadn't bundled the virtues, thoughts and values that are described, under a particular banner.  The Software Craftsman Manifesto It actually exists!  A set of values to which a software craftsman can hang their hat.  Now, like the author says, there are people who don't like to call themselves c...

Book Study: Patterns-Principles and Practices of Domain Driven Design

Book Study: As title Summary In summary this is an excellent book.  It is really accessible but some of the more advanced areas will need further reading elsewhere. For example, things like Aggregate design  If you are involved in Enterprise application development and you haven't yet been able to take advantage of the Domain Driven Design (DDD) philosophy, this book will show you the way. I know this because it is almost like a narrative to my experiences of the philosophy at a large e-commerce website in terms of some of the problems experienced, practices adopted, conversations with the business and stakeholders, patterns used, misused, abused and not used and every conversation about everything in DDD in-between. Go Compare I previously read the fist 3 chapters  of Vaughn Vernon's Implementing DDD book and I ran out of steam for various reasons (the birth of my second son primary amongst them). Its not that it isn't a good ...